Tổng hợp các tag HTML mới nhất 2022

BoldMan - Ngày đăng: 26/04/2022

HTML (Ngôn ngữ đánh dấu siêu văn bản) là khối xây dựng cơ bản nhất của Web. Nó xác định ý nghĩa và cấu trúc của nội dung web. Các công nghệ khác ngoài HTML thường được sử dụng để mô tả giao diện / bản trình bày (CSS) hoặc chức năng / hành vi (JavaScript) của một trang web.

"Siêu văn bản" đề cập đến các liên kết kết nối các trang web với nhau, trong một trang web hoặc giữa các trang web. Liên kết là một khía cạnh cơ bản của Web. Bằng cách tải nội dung lên Internet và liên kết nội dung đó với các trang do người khác tạo, bạn trở thành người tham gia tích cực trong World Wide Web.


Creates a link to a URL: a web page, a section within a page, an email address... Also called the anchor element, where the a comes from.

Defines an abbreviation, and usually includes its full description.

Defines a block for contact information.

Defines an interactive area within a map.

Defines a self-contained block of content that can exist in any context.
It can have its own header, footer, sections... Useful for a list of blog posts.

Defines a block of content that is related to the main content. Displayed as a sidebar usually.

Allows to embed an audio clip into a web page.

Makes an element bold.

Defines the base URL for all relative links of a web page. Should be placed in the <head>.

Allows to display part of a text in the opposite direction. Stands for bidirectional isolation.

Allows to override the direction of text.

Defines a long quotation.

The container for a web page's content. Must be a direct child of <html>, and must be an ancestor of all HTML elements (except where noted).

Defines a line break within a text.

Defines a clickable button.

Defines an element where you can draw graphics.

Defines the title of a <table>.

Defines the source of a creative work.

Defines a snippet of code within a block of text.

Defines a column within a table.

Defines a group of columns within a table.

Defines content linked to machine-readable output.

Defines a list of autocomplete options when using a text <input>.

Defines an item in a definition list.

Defines text that has been deleted.

Defines a toggable block of content with a summary and additional details.

Defines where a term is defined within a web page.

Defines a dialog box that can be opened and closed with JavaScript.

Defines a generic block of content, that does not carry any semantic value. Used for layout elements like containers.

Defines a definition list.

Defines a definition term.

Defines emphasis on text. Is usually rendered as italic text.

Defines a container for external application.

Defines a group of controls within a form.

Defines the caption of a <figure>.

Defines a single self-contained element, usually an image.

Defines the footer of a web page or section.

Defines an interactive form with controls.

Defines a section heading of level one:~six: the highest level.

Defines a container for a web page's metadata.

Defines the header of a web page or section.

Defines the heading of a section. It can only contain heading levels: <h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6>

Defines a semantic break between blocks of text. It is often represented as a horizontal rule.

Defines the root element of an HTML document. All other elements must be contained within this root element.

Makes an element italic.

Defines a container for a nested browsing context: you can include a web page within another web page.

Defines an image inserted in the web page.

Defines an interactive control within a web form.

Defines text that has been inserted.

Defines a snippet of user input.

Defines a label for a form control.

Defines a caption for a parent's content.

Defines a list item within an ordered list <ol> or unordered list <ul>.

Defines a link between the current web page and an external link or resource.

Defines the main content of a web page. Can be displayed with a sidebar.

Defines an interactive map over an image.

Defines highlighted text.

Defines metadata attached to a web page.

Defines a horizontal meter.

Defines a section with navigation links.

Defines content displayed when the browser does not support frames.

Defines content displayed when the browser does not have JavaScript enabled.

Defines a container for external resource.

Defines an ordered list.

Defines a group of <option> elements.

Defines an option within a <select> dropdown.

Defines the result of a calculation or of user action.

Defines a simple paragraph of text.

Defines a parameter for an <object> element.

Defines a container for sources of an <img> element.

Defines preformatted text.
Defines a progress bar.

Defines a short quotation.

Defines content displayed when the browser does not support the <ruby> element.

Defines the pronunciation of ruby annotations.

Defines a text container within ruby annotations.

Defines a ruby annotation to show the pronunciation of East Asian characters.

Defines strikethrough text.

Defines a sample output from a computer program.

Defines a container for an external script.

Defines a section within a web page.

Defines a select dropdown with different <option> elements.

Defines a container for user markup.

Defines small print, for less important content.

Defines a source for an <audio>, <video>, or <picture> element.

Defines a generic inline container of content, that does not carry any semantic value.

Defines strong importance on text.

Defines a container to add CSS within a web page.

Defines text that should be displayed lower.

Defines the summary of a <details> element.

Defines text that should be displayed higher.

Defines a container for tabular data.

Defines a group of table rows<tr>.

Defines a table cell. Must be a direct child of a <tr>.

Defines a placeholder for content that can be displayed using JavaScript.

Defines a multi-line text control within a web form.

Defines a group of table rows<tr> at the end of a <table>.

Defines a table header. Must be a direct child of a <tr>.

Defines a group of table rows<tr> at the start of a <table>.

Defines a time on a 24h clock.

Defines the title of the web page, displayed on the browser tab.

Defines a table row.

Defines text tracks (like subtitles) for <audio> and <video> elements.

Makes an element's text underlined.

Defines an unordered list.

Defines a variable in a mathematical or programming expression.

Allows to embed an video clip into a web page.

Defines a location within a block of text where the browser could eventually insert line break.

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